Open lectures for schools

Yesterday we hosted knowledge-thirsty youngsters from the 17 LO in Gdynia - Microsoft Showcase School. To begin with, the lecturer of the Department of Computer Science, Eng. Marek Kudła, proved that game controllers are not only pads and joysticks, which are known to everyone. He demonstrated how to play a (computer) game using... a potato! Next, lecturer at the Department of New Media Art Dr. Leszek Zurek talked about how AI has already made its mark in the art world and how photographs were manipulated long before the invention of such advanced tools
Of course, we also traditionally introduced our majors and how to apply for them, and invited you to take a quiz on the (pop)culture of Japan
We would like to remind you that the next Open Day is on January 21 - this time stationary at the Faculty of New Media Art in Gdansk (55 Brzegi Street).