Upcoming academic meetings
The offer is aimed in particular at gifted students from the Pomeranian Voivodeship who are participants in the district projects of the Able from Pomerania venture.
The target audience for the academic meetings are high school students and elementary school grades 6-8.
The meetings are conducted by the teaching staff of PJATK Gdańsk - they are experts who educate students in the field on a daily basis.
Note: The condition for participation in the meeting is to bring to the meeting a set of legibly completed and signed documents.
The documents are completed by the parent/legal guardian of a minor student or an adult student.
Downloadable documents:
Recruitment application (Pupil) - DOWNLOAD
Personal data form of the project participant (Pupil) - DOWNLOAD
Declaration of project participant (Pupil) - DOWNLOAD
Statements of the project participant (Pupil) - DOWNLOAD
Current calls:
- Meeting date: 25.02.2025
Hours: 10:00-15:00
Recruitment: 6.02-20.02.2025
Submissions: zdolni@pja.edu.pl
Topic: "Photography workshop with collage".
At the meeting, participants will take part in classes in a professional photo studio - they will learn how to operate the equipment, as well as take their own photographs and learn how they can be edited using graphic applications. These photographs will become the basis for making individual works in the collage technique.
Address: Building of the Faculty of New Media Art of PJATK Gdańsk, 55 Brzegi St., Gdańsk
- Meeting date: 26.02.2025
Hours: 10:00-15:00
Recruitment: 6.02-20.02.2025
Submissions: zdolni@pja.edu.pl
Topic: "How to play a computer game with a potato - build your own game controller."
The workshop aims to teach participants how to build alternative game controllers, using the Raspberry Pi Pico as an HID device and various sensors.
The meeting will discuss the most interesting examples of alternative controllers, available sensors and their use, as well as the principles of Raspberry Pi Pico. Then the participants, under the guidance of the presenters, will take care of the configuration themselves to finally create their own game controllers.
Address: Building of the Faculty of Informatics of PJATK Gdańsk, 9/11 Targ Drzewny Street, Gdańsk
About the project
The aim of the project is to launch at the University a system of support for gifted students from the area of Pomeranian Voivodeship. The project began on July 1, 2024 and will end on June 30, 2028. During this time, lectures, workshops and consultations will be organized at PJATK, among others, for students and teachers who are interested in deepening their knowledge of STEAM subjects. The project also includes meetings with career counselors, Olympic circles and e-learning courses. The University will regularly hold one-day academic meetings for students and teachers on topics related to Computer Science and New Media Arts. In addition, meetings are also planned in a broader formula called the Salon of the Young Talented with the participation of invited guests, in particular specialists in the IT industry.
The project is open to gifted students from grades VI-VIII of elementary schools, as well as high school and technical school students from the area of Pomeranian Voivodeship. Teachers of elementary schools, high schools and technical schools from the area of Pomorskie Voivodeship will also participate in the project.
The project is implemented in cooperation with the Department of the European Social Fund of the Marshal's Office of Pomorskie Voivodeship.
Detailed description of project activities:
- Academic meetings for students and teachers: these are one-day meetings at the University, where students will attend a lecture and 5 hours of workshops in STEM fields. This is a form of support aimed at the widest range of students and teachers from the Pomeranian region.
- Meetings with career counselors for students: meetings will be implemented in a formula similar to academic meetings. These will be one-day events at the University in a workshop format, where students will learn about their strengths, weaknesses, predispositions and gaps in soft skills necessary to function in professions related to STEM fields. These classes will allow them to make an informed decision about their further education and choice of career path.
- Olympic circles for students: will be conducted in the form of individual consultations for students competing in knowledge olympiads, who will prepare for the competition under the guidance of a PJATK didactician. Consultations will be able to be conducted in the form of stationary as well as online, depending on the needs and capabilities of the participants.
- Mentorship for students: this is an individual form of support for particularly gifted students (scientific consultation with a university didactician). The task is exclusively aimed at students with special educational and developmental needs. These are students with above-average academic performance, with achievements in knowledge Olympiads. Mentorship will be implemented in the form of individual work of an outstanding student with a mentor-mentee. It will be implemented on the basis of the student's individual development program developed by the mentor in cooperation with the student. One student will receive 20 hours of mentoring. The mentorship will be implemented by experts in a particular field of science.
- E-learning courses for students and teachers: have been planned as a form of classes with a view to students and teachers from remote locations from Gdansk and participants with disabilities. We have envisioned the launch of 10 courses in STEM subjects, which will be available on the University's platform. The courses will be designed for individual work with the possibility to ask questions to a tutor in case of problems with mastering the material.
- Salon of young talents for students and teachers: this is a one-day event at the University, in a form similar to a science festival, during which students and teachers will have the opportunity to take part in lectures, readings and presentations, conducted by PJATK teaching staff, invited guests from the IT industry, PJATK students, or the students themselves, who will have the opportunity to present their own interests and scientific achievements. The project plans 5 such meetings.
The goal of the project is:
1. to increase students' chances of success in further education and careers.
2. increase the attractiveness and quality of the educational offer of schools and institutions of the educational system in terms of supporting the talents of students.
3 Increase awareness and interest of local government units, universities, employers and other entities in supporting students' talents.
Results of the project
1. number of students of schools and educational institutions providing general education covered by support - 523 persons.
2. number of representatives of the staff of schools and educational institutions covered by support - 105 people.
3. number of students and listeners of schools and vocational training institutions covered by support - 174 people.
4. number of students with special development and educational needs, supported - 209 people.
5. number of students participating in career counseling - 192 people.
Result indicators
1. the number of students who acquired qualifications after leaving the program - 418 people.
2 The number of representatives of the staff of schools and educational institutions who obtained qualifications after leaving the program - 85 people.
The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), Priority 5 European Funds for a Socially Strong Pomerania (ESF+), Measure 5.8 General and Vocational Education under the European Funds for Pomerania 2021-2027 (FEP 2021- 2027) program
Project no: FEPM.05.08-IZ.00-0151/24
Total project costs: PLN 1,020,360.00
EU funding: PLN 918,324.00
PJATK contribution: PLN 102,036.00.
E-mail: zdolni@pja.edu.pl