PJATK Gdańsk Student Government
The PJATK Student Government is a community of all those studying at our university - every student automatically becomes a part of it. The self-government acts as the exclusive statutory representative of students' interests, both at the university and at the inter-university level. It acts as a liaison between the student community and the university authorities, ensuring that students' needs and demands are heard and implemented.
email: samorzad-gdansk@pja.edu.pl
Instagram: @samorzad.pjatk.gdansk
Facebook: @samorzad.pjatk.gdansk
The composition of the Board of the Student Government of PJATK in Gdansk:
Agata Dobrzyniewicz - member of the Presidium
Nataliia Szafranska - member of the Presidium.
Kajetan Walocha - member of the Bureau.
Maciej Czaplinski - member of the Presidium
Julia Kasilowska
Kaja Kleinschmidt
Karol Hulanicki
Karolina Zambrzycka
Szymon Baniewicz
Student Government Representatives at the Faculties:
- Department of Computer Science:
Member persons: Agata Dobrzyniewicz, Julia Kasilowska, Maciej Czaplinski, Karol Hulanicki, Szymon Baniewicz. - Department of New Media Arts:
Memberships: Nataliia Szafranska, Kaja Kleinschmidt, Karolina Zambrzycka, Kajetan Walocha.
The PJATK Student Government works to make every student feel that their voice matters. Our priority is to represent your interests and ensure that the university is responsive to your needs. If you have an idea for new initiatives, need support or have encountered any problem - we are here for you. Don't hesitate to contact us - your opinion is important to us!