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The project Zdolni z Pomorza - Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology is aimed at gifted students from the Pomeranian Voivodeship. It is a continuation of activities within the framework of an innovative and unique in the country program initiated and run by the Self-Government of the Pomeranian Voivodeship (since 2010). Implementation of the current iteration of the project is scheduled for 2024-2028.

In this edition, PJATK Gdansk invites you to participate in the following forms of support:

  • Academic meetings for students and teachers - one-day academic meetings.
  • Career counselor meetings for students - one-day meetings at the university in a workshop format.
  • Olympic circles for students - a form of individual consultation of students competing in the Olympiads, who will prepare for the competition under the guidance of a PJATK didactician.
  • Mentorship for students - an individual form of support for particularly gifted students, conducted by the university's didacticians
  • E-learning courses - support allowing to train competencies of gifted students at a distance, also from localities distant from Gdansk.
  • Salon of young talents for students and teachers - a one-day event at the university, during which students and teachers will be able to take part in lectures, readings and presentations.

The total value of the project is PLN 1,020,360.00, with European funding of PLN 918,324.00.

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