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PJATK today

The Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw was established in 1994 under agreements between the governments of Poland and Japan. As one of the best private universities in Poland, it has been educating specialists in the fields of computer science, management, cultural studies, interior design, art and graphic design for years.

PJAIT occupies leading positions in prestigious rankings and is recognized by students, lecturers and the media alike. The university has its own unit in Gdansk, where it conducts studies at the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of New Media Arts, and in Bytom. The Bytom Branch of PJAIT has had a Research and Development Center for years, where new technologies and science meet business, medicine and the military. In 2023, the Bytom Branch launches bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Computer Science. In addition, PJAIT offers students postgraduate studies, an MBA for the IT industry, preparatory courses and online courses. 

Founding of PJWSTK

1994 - By a decision of the Minister of Education, PJWSTK was entered in the register of higher education institutions under number 51 and was granted the right to confer the title of engineer of computer science. Students of PJWSTK are entitled to the same rights as students of state universities, in particular to discounts on public transportation, free health care and deferment of military service.

History 1994-2000

1997 - PJWSTK became an official examination center of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board (LCCIEB).

1998 - PJWSTK was granted the right to confer the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science.

2000 - Under the auspices of JICA, an IT training center for Central and Eastern European countries - the Third Country Trainning Program - began operations.

In October, the University launched the first CISCO Networking Academy in Poland.

History 2001-2010

2002 - Obtaining the authority to confer the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the discipline of computer science.

PJWSTK was the only non-state university to receive categorization by the Committee for Scientific Research.

Part-time studies via the Internet have been launched.

2003 - The university opened a branch faculty of computer science in Bytom.

PJWSTK has been authorized to offer bachelor's degree programs in management and has launched the Faculty of Information Management

PJWSTK, as one of the few non-state universities, became a member of CRASP - the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland.

2004 - The NŌRYOKU-SHIKEN Japanese language exam was held at PJWSTK for the first time in Poland. The university became an official examination center, the only one in Central and Eastern Europe, enabling the acquisition of an internationally valid Japanese language certificate. The same year saw the launch of the Prometric Testing Center, the only center in Poland that allows students to take TOEFL, GRE, GMAT and PMI exams via the Internet.

PJWSTK has signed a cooperation agreement with the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, under which a new faculty - New Media Art - has been established at PJWSTK.

2005 - Another breakthrough for the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology. In agreement with the Academy of Fine Arts, the Faculty of New Media Art is established. A unique in the country faculty combining art classes with the study of the use of modern information technologies.

2006 - The PJWSTK Research Center received the 1st (highest) category of the Science Council committee in the field of "Electrical engineering, automation, electronics and information technology."

2007 - PJWSTK was authorized to offer a bachelor's degree in cultural studies and launched the Department of Japanese Culture.

Also in 2007, the University received a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education to launch an Academic Business Incubator. The incubator won the Ministry of Science and Higher Education's competition to support incubators, "Wizard of Innovation. Support for innovative academic entrepreneurship".

In October, a branch in Gdansk was launched, with a degree program in computer science.

2008 - The Rector of PJWSTK, Dr. Jerzy Pawel Nowacki, was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Golden Rays with Ribbon, by the Government of Japan. This is the second most important national decoration awarded by Japan. The rector received the order for his outstanding contributions to Polish-Japanese cooperation.

2009 - The Central Commission for Degrees and Titles granted the Department of Computer Science at the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology in Warsaw the right to confer the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the discipline of computer science. In the same year, the specialization "Social Informatics" was launched for second-cycle studies in computer science. In the 2009/10 academic year, the studies were paid for by a grant from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.

The Faculty of New Media Arts at PJWSTK has been authorized to offer a second degree program in graphic design.

The project "Supporting students of computer science as a key to the development of a knowledge-based economy - enriching the didactic program of the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology" won the competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for ordered faculties ("Sub-measure 4.1.2 Increasing the number of graduates of faculties of key importance for a knowledge-based economy" of the Human Capital Operational Program).

The project "Modern staff for the e-economy - a program for the development of the Faculty of the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology in Bytom" received funding under "Sub-measure 4.1.1 - Strengthening of the didactic potential of universities" of the Human Capital Operational Program.

PJWSTK, together with a consortium of other universities, has launched the project "Regional Foresight for Higher Education Institutions of Warsaw and Mazovia - Academic Mazovia 2030″.

The university has been granted postdoctoral privileges at the Faculty of Computer Science and thus launched a third degree program at computer science.

The PJWSTK Overseas Department of Computer Science in Bytom has been authorized to offer a bachelor's degree in graphic design.

The Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology has won a competition held by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for ordered majors "Sub-measure 4.1.2 Increasing the number of graduates in majors of key importance for the knowledge-based economy" of the Human Capital Operational Program.

History 2010-2020

2010 - The Intersite Teaching Center in Gdansk was transformed into an independent Faculty of Computer Science. Dr. Marek Bednarczyk became its dean. In the same year, the Faculty of New Media Arts was established (currently the dean is Dr. Mariusz Sladczyk). The Faculty of SNM implements a program of art studies, with particular emphasis on modern visual technologies. Both faculties are located in the same building, which allows for an extremely interesting exchange of ideas between technical and artistic students.

2011 - In October, the Rector of PJWSTK, Jerzy Pawel Nowacki, PhD, received from the hands of the President of the Republic of Poland the Commander's Cross of the Order of Rebirth of Poland, Polonia Restituta, for outstanding merits in scientific and research, teaching and social activities, for popularizing science in Poland.

2012 - On February 22, 2012, the Rector of PJWSTK, Jerzy Paweł Nowacki, Ph.D., received from the hands of the Rector of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Prof. Stanisław Moryto, a medal "for meritorious service to the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music."

PJWSTK took first place among non-public technical universities in the country in the 2012 Ranking of Higher Education Schools prepared by the Perspektywy and Rzeczpospolita monthly. In the ranking of all public and non-public technical universities, PJWSTK was ahead of the Polytechnics: Częstochowa, Opole, Białostocka, Rzeszów, Lublin, Świętokrzyska. In the ranking taking into account all non-public master's universities in Poland, PJWSTK took third place. In terms of fields of study, in the IT category, the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology was ranked eighth in the country. It outranked the Universities of: Jagiellonian, Wroclaw, Silesian, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, and Technical Universities of Lodz, Bialystok, Czestochowa, Krakow, among others.

2013 - The Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology has launched a new PhD program in Social Informatics.

The Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology ranked second among non-public higher education institutions in Poland. These are the results of this year's edition of the Ranking of Higher Education Institutions prepared by the educational monthly Perspektywy and the daily Rzeczpospolita. Thus advancing from 3rd to 2nd place compared to last year's results. PJWSTK is also the best non-public technical university in Poland. In the ranking of all technical universities, it outranked, among others, more than a dozen public polytechnics.

2014 - PJWSTK was authorized to confer the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the discipline of mechanics.

On October 24, the university changed its name to the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology. The change is related to the university's authorization to confer doctoral degrees in two scientific disciplines.

2017-TheCentral Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles has granted PJATK's Faculty of New Media Arts the authority to confer doctoral degrees in visual arts. Thus, the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology has become the first non-public university with such authorization.

New building of the Department of Computer Science

As of January 2023, the Department of Computer Science in Gdansk has moved to new premises at 9/11 Wood Market. The Department of New Media Art in Gdansk has remained in its headquarters at Brzegi 55 and has expanded the space of its studios.

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