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New editions of Cisco certified courses are starting! 👨‍💻There are still free places left - links to the sign-up form in the comments.

The dates of the first meetings:

CCNA-1: October 1, 5:30 p.m.

CCNA-3: September 24, 5:30 p.m.

Department of Computer Science PJATK Gdańsk, Targ Drzewny 9/11

We have been working with Cisco Networking Academy since 10 years.

Cisco Academy is a program of cooperation between the largest manufacturer of network equipment 🌐 and educational centers around the world. The classes are designed for people who want to expand their knowledge in the area of creating, managing and administering computer networks 🖥️

Each student gets online access to training materials. Completion of the Cisco Academy course prepares you for the certified exam, which is recognized by institutions around the world 🌎

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