Saturday saw the grand finale of the Young Smart Hackathon aimed at high school students! This unique event created by the 17th High School in Gdynia and PJATK Gdansk, gives students the opportunity to participate in the first professionally organized hackathon in their lives.
After a period of pandemonium, the 3rd edition of Young Smart finally took place in stationary form. From Friday to Saturday, students in teams of several people worked on technological solutions, in the spirit of the theme "The future is now!". As they worked, they were able to receive advice from mentors present on-site and online in various fields. After 24 hours, the presented projects were subject to expert evaluation. This year, the judge on behalf of PJATK was Dr. Filip Sendal from the Faculty of New Media Arts, who paid special attention to the design and functionality of the created applications. All projects presented an extremely high level!
On the podium this year were the teams:
Third place: programmers from the Group of Energy Schools in Gdansk
Second place: Biolchemy from the 17th High School in Gdynia
First place: Brainstorm from the 17th High School in Gdynia
We would like to thank all the participants, the teachers who came with their teams, the mentors, the jury, the student volunteers and the teaching staff of the 17th High School in Gdynia! We would like to thank Microsoft, Intel, Gdynia Teacher Training Center for their support and training. The event was held under the honorary patronage of the Marshall of Pomorskie Voivodeship Mieczysław Struk, the Mayor of Gdynia Wojciech Szczurek and the Board of Education in Gdansk.
Photo coverage of the event can be seen on our official FB profile: